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Writer's pictureKevin Witt


And let's not forget the Mosquitoes and other bugs. So, yeah, were experiencing a plague. We found 20 ticks in the house in the course of a single day. Several crawling on us. The story seems to be that the cows bring the ticks when they get on the property, and then the dog picks them up and brings them into the house. They do carry tick bite fever, which is bad both for the dog and for us. Our German Sheppard Cisco (After Cisco Remone on Flash) gets a special pill every 3 months that means that when they bite him, he doesn't get sick and the tick will usually die and fall off within a few days. Some, however, decide they are not going to bite him, but rather climb off and onto the couch that Cisco likes to jump up and sleep on after we go to bed. So we bought a bag of lime to put around the yard, sequestered Cisco outside during the day, and Andrew has to do a thorough tick check of his dog every night when we let him in. I'm in the process of building a chicken coop so we can have chickens, turkeys, and guinea fowl. Apparently they love to eat ticks and will pretty much eliminate the problem once and for all.

Also we are getting eaten alive by Mosquitoes that are quite big this year and leaving really bad welts on our bodies and itch like crazy for days after the bite. So I'm working hard on tighting up the screens on the windows and trying to figure out how they are getting into the house in such large numbers. I did find out that our fireplace was open to the outside and proceeded to block that and hopefully that will make a difference. In the mean time, I guess mozy's have to eat too! :( Now the clothes washing machine is on the fritz. Runs through a full cycle, but clothes don't get clean? And it's still blazing hot!

Ok, I'm done whining. Thank you for listening. Pray for us please. :)

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